As its the first day,, I’d like to say that if our club hasn’t offered a player a contract then he’s not wanted.
If we’ve offered a contract and it’s been refused then we don’t think they’re worth it, that’s that. All players will know if there’s market interest in them. We are not so dumb as to believe us and the other clubs haven’t been sounded out by agents or we’ve not been in contact with them. We can’t afford to give long contracts to journeymen. We’ve been bitten by feki, Vete and a few others recently and it’s cost us a fortune.
We have a cap to spend to and a portion of that is known and already spent on remaining contracts. We now need to fill the spaces and hopefully with quality. We can’t compete with a lot of clubs in super league apart London and Salford.
We only want players who want to be here. It’s that simple. Let them test the waters with other clubs in the knowledge the grass isn’t always greener.